Smell of paradise

Jesus Jordan Parra
1 min readFeb 19, 2022

“A story about bubbles…”

Photo by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash

Bubbles in a liquid substance
Water, boiling mud, stars,
Bubbles in different arrays
All of them with a life of their own.

Air filled bubbles
Bubbles full of essences
Bubbles full of wishes
Bubbles that want to tell us.

In their midst some are ephemeral
Others are eternal
A bubble is always an omen
Of some fairy that wants to approach us.

We humans project what we feel
In both the big and the small,
Stars, planets, satellites
Space is a world to discover.

Space is a world to integrate
A world that we carry inside,
We are also a bubble
Covered in leather to contain it.

The bubbles relate to each other
Some are added to others
To grow older,
Others stay lonely
Looking for company
Or just to survive.



Jesus Jordan Parra

Writer of essays, poetry, stories. Studious of the ancestral Traditions. I am also a student of the etymologies of words.