Within you or within me?

Looking for the edin

Jesus Jordan Parra
2 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo by Conor OBrien on Unsplash

Feelings, emotions, heartbeats,
Remain inside of me
They remain within you.

Try to get closer to the other
It’s a fun ride, a ride that brings us closer.
The first approach, without touching;
Bring your fingertips closer
Feel the aura that emanates from them.

Then touch them
No rush, no time
No mind, no labels.

Let’s recover the spirit of the dances
We recover the dance of our heart
Like the dance of Venus every eight years.

A lotus dance
A long-known dance
A dance with which Venus challenges us.

An outstretched hand awaits another outstretched hand,
A symbol of surrender, a symbol of peace,
A symbol of friendship, a symbol of love.

Shake hands, touch hands,
It is the most neutral, it is the beginning,
Of an approach, who knows?

When I look into your eyes
I lose myself in them
I lose myself in his drawing.

The iris is like a galaxy
No iris is the same
No fingertips are the same
No friend is the same.

The sun changes the color of the skin
The sun changes the color of our hair
The sun changes the smell we make.

The smell captivates me, the smell resonates with me,
The smell is so personal, like your iris,
Every time I look at it, I get lost.

A lost look, a fond look,
A lit candle, a tinkle seeks to survive;
A broken conversation, a misunderstanding?
Has an angel perhaps stolen from us?

Hearts, eyes, hands, hair, candles,
A magical night in which everything is possible
The shortest night, the longest day.

The cycle of picking and ripening begins
With an ancient ritual
An encounter that is thousands of years old.

Where the fire still lingers;
This is a night of the internal and external fire
This is a night of burning hearts.

Tag photo: woman's face
Written: 06/24/2022
Posted: 07/16/2022

©Jesus Jordan Parra. All rights reserved.



Jesus Jordan Parra

Writer of essays, poetry, stories. Studious of the ancestral Traditions. I am also a student of the etymologies of words.